Greetings! I’m Bobby Bowen, one of the newer faces you might see here at Farmer Bailey Inc. I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve joined the team as a horticulturalist, to provide growers with cutting edge cultural information tailored to their crops and to help answer all of your growing related inquiries! Until now, the majority of technical queries landed on Bailey’s capable shoulders, so I have been brought on board to offer support and to help tackle some of the plant-centric facets of our operation.
My passion for flora and all things botany goes back to my early childhood days. I planted my inaugural garden when I was 7 years old with the guiding hands of my parents who knew as much (or little) about plants as I did at the time. Through years of trial and error, experimentation and an insatiable thirst for horticultural knowledge I have refined my growing expertise and am eager to share what I have learned with all of you!
The serendipitous world of social media brought Bailey and I together in 2016, where we quickly bonded over our shared fascination with odd and unusual species, both having an affinity for new cultivars and hard to find varieties. As my experience with plant care continued to develop, I sought out new challenges in the garden and found myself sourcing seeds from across the globe to try and grow in my freezing zone 5b climate. I am eager to leverage these experiences and collaborate closely with Bailey to discover new and exciting varieties for you to grow in your personal gardens or cut flower fields.
Feel free to reach out to me directly at bobby@farmerbailey.com with any growing related questions pertaining to the plugs or bare roots you’ve ordered from Farmer Bailey. I’m here to provide you with personalized guidance and support!
Keep an eye out for new Growing Guides created for our most popular cut flower crops, which are currently being expanded to cover every cultivar in our catalog. I look forward to growing with you!