How to take care of your plants:
- Please be sure to take your plants out of the box immediately. Plant them in your favorite potting soil, set them in a shady area and give them a good drink of water. Allow them to recover from their stressful journey for a few days.
- Protect them from extreme conditions like high temperatures and direct sun when you unpack them. They will need a few days to adjust back to direct sun.
- Once adjusted, find a fertilized, sun filled spot to plant them. You can plant them in a sunny part of the garden or in tunnels for Fall flower production.
- Mums should be spaced 1 to 2 feet apart depending on the size of the plant when planting out.
- Plants can be cut back as late as July to encourage bushier plants. We recommend cutting back multiple times to increase stem count.
- Most varieties do get tall even after pinching so we highly recommend adding horticulture netting on top of the plants to help protect the stems from bending or breaking.
- Protect plants from frost in the Fall as they are usually in full bloom during Frost conditions.
- In order to overwinter these varieties, plants will need to be protected from deep freezes. We suggest digging them up and storing them in a pot in a greenhouse, garage, or other protected space.