Common Name Coreopsis, calliopsis, tickseed 
Genus  Coreopsis
Species C. tinctoria hybrid
Family Asteraceae
Life Cycle  Annual 
Tray Size  125
Plug Care Harden off and plant out or bump up soon after receiving plugs. Annual coreopsis are very quick to flower and if they become rootbound or stressed in the plug tray due to high temperature or drought conditions, they may flower prematurely. 
Netting / Staking One or two layers of netting is recommended. 
Temperature Range 55-75F is ideal for establishment - they prefer a cool spring period to establish roots and vegetation before  sending up flowers. They are able to withstand cool weather but young plants should be protected from any late frosts. Mature plants are heat and drought tolerant.  
Spacing 10"
Soil Preference Loose, well draining, medium fertility. Excessive nutrients can cause tall floppy stems and more vegetative growth. 
Day Length Long-day plants - will flower during the long days of spring and summer. 
Pinching Not absolutely necessary but beneficial for early side  branch development. 
When to Plant In the spring, around the time of last frost. Could be a  good candidate for a second succession planting approximately 4 weeks after the first. 
Harvesting Harvest when buds just begin to open. Additional buds  on the cut stem will continue to open in the vase. Cut  deeply and regularly for continuous flowers all season. Do not allow plants to set seed or they will shut down prematurely. 
Post Harvest Care Place cut stems immediately into cool water. Expect a vase life of about a week if using a floral preservative. 
Diseases / Insects Typical robust and hardy plants with few issues. 
Bailey's Notes

There are perennial coreopsis species (see our perennial coreopsis growing guide) - this guide outlines the care for annual C. hybrida - the Incredible Swirl variety. 

If left to go to seed at the end of the season, annual  coreopsis will likely reseed itself for following seasons. 

Resources  NA