Common Name | Chinese Forget-me-not, Chinese Hound's tongue |
Genus | Cynoglossum |
Species | C. amabile |
Family | Boraginaceae |
Life Cycle | Hardy Annual |
Tray Size | 125 |
Plug Care | Harden off and plant immediately after arrival. Keep well watered and cool while in the plug trays, as extended stress at this sensitive time can trigger premature flowering. Avoid disturbing the roots excessively, as they are sensitive to transplanting. |
Netting / Staking | Not necessary - Cynoglossum should stand up well, even in windy areas. |
Temperature Range | These are cold-tolerant annuals that can withstand some light frosts after planting. Protect from hard freezes and prolonged lows. They do not like the heat of summer and will start to decline as the temperature peaks - plan to grow and harvest in the spring. Optimal temperature for active growth is 60-75 degrees. |
Spacing | 9" minimum - you might be tempted to space these plugs more closely together but they do require a good amount of room to facilitate the healthy growth of top-quality cut stems. |
Soil Preference | Well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil is best. Avoid heavy clay soils that retain a lot of moisture. Amending with compost or organic matter before planting can improve performance, but avoid planting in overly rich soil or you may get soft, weak growth. |
Day Length | These are daylength neutral and will flower early in the short days of early spring from a fall planting, or late spring from an early-spring planting. They require full sun, but can tolerate some partial shade in southern climates. |
Pinching | Not necessary - these plants are well branched when spaced appropriately. |
When to Plant | In the south, these plants can be fall-planted and overwintered for an early spring crop. In the north, they should be planted a few weeks before your last frost to give them a long, cool establishment period. Do not plant them too late into the spring as the heat will make them bloom prematurely. Plants that have been given a long, cool period to bulk up vegetatively will have taller, thicker stems. |
Harvesting | Stems should be picked when approximately half of the florets have opened. The remaining buds will continue to open in the vase If you keep on top of harvesting and avoid letting the plant set seed, you can expect a 5-6 week harvest window before the plants shut down production. A second succession planted about 4 weeks after the first will allow for a much longer harvest period. |
Post Harvest Care | Harvest early in the morning or later in the evening when plants are cool and well hydrated. Harvested stems should immediately be placed into a bucket with tepid water, and stored somewhere cool and out of direct sunlight to allow for proper hydration. Cut stems might wilt for a period after harvest, but once fully conditioned should last a week in the vase. |
Diseases / Insects | Cynoglossum is relatively pest-free but may be prone to powdery mildew in humid conditions. Ensure good airflow between plants to prevent fungal issues, and water using drip irrigation to keep the foliage dry. |
Bailey's Notes |
Chinese Forget-Me-Nots are a fantastic addition to cutting gardens and make a fabulous filler in bouquets. Their bold, true blue flowers pop when paired with pastel spring flowers and the light pink florets of 'mystery rose' pair perfectly with other spring ephemerals. Avoid planting in areas prone to intense heat or heavy rainfall, as this can shorten the blooming period. A friendly little warning: these plants will self-sow generously so make sure to snip off spent flowers before the seeds drop if this is a concern. The seeds also have an incredible knack of sticking to socks and pants! |
Resources | NA |