Common Name | Eucalyptus |
Genus |
Species | various |
Family |
Life Cycle |
Tray Size | 125 |
Plug Care |
Netting / Staking | No netting or staking necessary |
Temperature Range |
Spacing |
12-18" if grown as an annual.
2-3' if growing in frost-free environments. Plan to coppice or pollard your trees each season.
Soil Preference |
Day Length | Not Applicable |
Pinching | Pinch plants when they are 3-4" tall if they are not naturally branching. |
When to Plant |
Harvesting |
Post Harvest Care |
Diseases / Insects |
Bailey's Notes |
Most Eucalyptus seed is harvested in its native Australia. Due to the increase in frequency and severity of Australian bush fires in recent years, the seed supply is dwindling worldwide. We secure as much seed as we can, but expect limited availability indefinitely. Consider growing in a high tunnel if you can keep it frost-free. Eucalyptus is slow to establish in its first year, but if you can keep it alive it will grow very rapidly in its second and third years, providing taller and more abundant cutting material. Cut back hard in the fall. Keep on the dry side during winter. |
Resources | Eucalyptus for Cut Foliage Fact Sheet (downloads as .pdf) |
*In-depth Growing Guide coming soon*