Gypsophila Andromeda

This guide is derived and condensed from Danziger's Gypsophila Cultivation Guide. We highly recommend reading it in its entirety, as it contains essential growing information. Danziger is the breeder of our Gypsophila, Veronica Skyler, Solidago, and Scoop Scabiosa

Common Name Gypsophila aka Baby's Breath
Genus  Gypsophila
Species G. Paniculata
Family Cariophyllaceae
Life Cycle  Perennial 
Format Plugs
Plug Care Harden off for the field, or transplant right away into a tunnel. If you cannot transplant, bump up to larger pots. 
Netting / Staking 2 layers of support netting
Temperature Range 59F to 77F 
Spacing Depends on the variety – 6-8 plants per square meter net
Soil Preference All types of drained soils, light soils are preferable, and on detached medias such as volcanic ash.
Day Length Quantitative long day. A long day of 12-13 hours is required to initiate flowering. Keep in mind that low temperatures will inhibit flowering even if long days are present.  
Pinching Pinch 5-7 weeks after planting, focusing on the quality stems. A low pinch will result in heavier and fewer stems. A high pinch will yield higher production. 
When to Plant Plant plugs into cool soil in the spring, soon after your last outdoor frost. 
Harvesting & Post Harvest Care Consult page 25-28 of the Danziger Gypsophila Cultivation Guide for complete harvesting and post-harvest guidelines.
Diseases / Insects Leaf miners, thrips, caterpillars, spider mites, powdery mildew, downy mildew, alternaria rhizoctonia, pitium
Bailey's Notes

Danziger Gypsophila Cultivation Guide

Danziger Culture Description (downloads as .pdf)