Farmers enjoy their work for lots of reasons: sowing seeds, working the soil, marveling at the plants that grow. Fundamental satisfaction comes from producing food, working outdoors, being one’s own boss, and working intimately with nature. But farmers often have an allergic reaction to the business end of farming and take a head-in-the-sand approach to finances. The farming and business worlds will eventually collide, and farmers are often uninformed of the business concepts and tools that are needed to navigate forward effectively and profitably." - richardwiswall.com
The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook covers step-by-step procedures to make your crop production more efficient; advice on managing employees, farm operations, and office systems; and novel marketing strategies for your products. In addition, Wiswall addresses what to do with your profits: business spending, investing, and planning for retirement. A supplementary CD provides spreadsheets for creating financial documents like cash-flow projections and Profit and Loss statements, as well as crop budgets, a payroll calculator, and more templates to streamline your daily operations.
Farmer Bailey considers The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook absolutely critical reading for anyone venturing into flower farming. Order the book here and let us know in the Comments about your favorite books for the aspiring and established flower farmer!