If you don't know Didiscus, it is a dainty version of Ammi or Daucus. Also called lace flower, Didiscus adds airy sky-blue or pastel pink filler to summer bouquets. Native to Australia, Didiscus prefers well-drained soil and appreciates some afternoon shade in hot summer locations. Harvest the entire plant at once for ease in handling, or the wispy stems can create a tangled challenge for the designer.
Pretty as she is, Didiscus can be a tricky crop, so when Christy Muck of Wild Blossom Hollow posted her glorious harvest on Instagram, we were instantly intrigued. Scroll down to read Christy's Didiscus tips!

Farmer Bailey: Where is your farm located?
Christy Muck: My farm, Wild Blossom Hollow, is located in Forestville, NY, an hour south of Buffalo and on Lake Erie.
FB: Where did you grow your Didiscus plugs?
CM: I grew them in an unheated high tunnel.
FB: When did you plant out the plugs?
CM: I ordered for Week 13 shipment and planted all of the plugs in the third week of April. They hung out in their trays for two weeks in my shop... it was cold here.
FB: How long did they take to bloom?
CM: They started to bloom early to mid-July, but we didn't do a full harvest until the third week of July. July 24 was the day we harvested the whole crop.
FB: How often did you water?
CM: I grew them in good compost, not in any fabric and in 3ft wide hills. We overhead watered every morning for 30 minutes. We just made sure to weed them really well during their early stages of growth.
FB: How often did you fertilize, and with what?
CM: I only foliar fed them maybe two or three times in the beginning, when they were starting to take off.
FB: Any observations about the way the crop behaved?
CM: Honestly, I just let them do their thing. I just treated them exactly the same as the snapdragons growing next to them. The flowers were over 24 inches when they were harvested and have been holding up so well in the cooler. I hope this helps other growers and I love this flower so much.
Secure your own Didiscus plugs on October 2, when ordering for Spring 2024 shipping begins!

What is tricky typically? I’m curious. Fyi I had these in two very different areas one dryer one wetter, they were absolutely easy, although the slightly wetter actually grew faster 🤷🏼♀️ The dryer picked up once my watering system functioned properly but they weren’t too angry for the abuse.
I have more trouble with wilting immediately after cutting, and, ended up needing to corral. As soon as they got tall they started toppling top-heavy. Sooo pretty though !!!
Farmer Bailey Inc. replied:
Hi Courtney! Thank you so much for your feedback. The “tricky” in this context refers to germination, and the fact that some folks struggle to get this crop to bloom to its full potential. I suspect it has something to do with your unique growing conditions! ~felicia
My plugs had many plants per cell. Shall I thin them down to one or can they grow well all together?
Farmer Bailey Inc. replied:
Hi Lexi! Thanks for your order. If your plugs arrive double sown, it’s because they like to grow with a friend! You can leave them together. If there are three or more, decapitate the weakest ones and leave two. This will avoid disturbing the roots! ~felicia
Do they produce seed? Are they hybrids?
Farmer Bailey Inc. replied:
Hi Roberta, Thanks so much for commenting! Bailey said that Didiscus Lacy Blue probably set seed, and probably come true. It would be worth experimenting! ~felicia