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WATCH: How to Fall Plant for Spring Blooms
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WATCH: How to Fall Plant for Spring Blooms

In this educational webinar, flower farming experts Bailey Hale and Bobby Bowen break down how to plant specialty cut flower plugs in the autumn for bloom the following spring.

Planting certain cut flower crops in the cool and short days of the year tells the plant to put its energy into developing leaves, and more importantly, a strong root system, rather than flowering. Establishing in the autumn allows the plant to leap into action once spring arrives, delivering an earlier harvest of cut flowers. Many annuals, biennials, and perennials benefit from fall planting.

Plugs of Campanula, Delphinium, Digitalis (aka foxglove), Snapdragons, Stock, Trachelium, Feverfew, Yarrow, Ammi, Godetia, Bupleurum, Rudbeckia, and Strawflower can all be fall planted in a variety of zones.

Ready to jump-start your season with fall planting? Watch the webinar and check out many more free educational videos for flower farmers on the Farmer Bailey YouTube Channel

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